
Time Clock: User can Enter/Edit employee time clock information.

How do I setup the Time Clock?

Open/Close Cashier: The user cannot setup a new cashier station, only open or close an existing station

How do I open a Cashier Station?

How do I close a Cashier Station?

How do I assign an employee to a cashier station?

Accounting Reports 

User has access to the following accounting reports 

Custom Report Model: 

Customer List Model 

Lead List Model 


Leads: User can access the leads tile 

Add Lead

How do I add a lead?

View all Leads

Edit all Leads

Tax Info: user can set a customer to tax exempt or tax percentage override

AR: Can toggle the AR customer toggle to the on position. Note: It is recommended to advise the accountant that a customer has been set up for AR so the the correct mapping can be done if possible before payment is taken. 

AR Payment: User can choose the AR Method Of Payment from the drop down.  

Garage: View, add, or edit the list of units found under the customer profile 

History: All purchase history for the customer 

Merge Customer : The ability to take multiple customer profiles and merge them into a single entry

Merging customers 

Financing: user can access, view, and mark finance applications as complete

Encrypted Information 

Working Sales: view current or add new leads from the customers profile 

Closed Sales: View closed leads 

Garage: View all current units owned by the customer 

Scheduled Actions: Add or view any appointments 

How do I schedule Follow Up Actions?

Send Email 

Lead Setting: While the user has access to this tile, only two areas can be accessed: 

Transfer Open Lead: User can assign the lead to another user

Transferring Open Leads

Incoming Leads 


Finance Applications 

Calls: With the feature active, user may view the historic call log report 

Customer Reports:

User has access to all reports within the tile EXCEPT for 

Testimonial Report 


Salesperson: When logged in, user will be the default salesperson for a new quote

Sales: Access to the sales tile

View Profitability: User can access total amount due within a MU quote or deal to see the profit made.

Add/Remove Trade in to Inventory 

F&I Sales

F&I Products FAQ

F&I Troubleshooting 

Stand Alone F&I Sale

Inventory List

Major Unit Inventory: main search screen overview 

Transfer Out of Inventory 

Dx1 Major Unit transfer out process

Settings: Click the links below for each section of settings 

Dealership Settings Part 1: General Information and Major Unit Setting

Dealership Settings Part 2: F&I Products, Part Setting, and Manufacturer Vendors

Dealership Settings Part 3: Part Suppliers, Service Setting, and Time Clock

Dealership Settings Part 4: Method Of Payment, Email Template Settings, SMS Templates, DX1 Fiche, and Customer Notifications

Within the Setting are the user does NOT have access to the following areas: 

Email Domain



Network Access Setting 

Install DX1 Microfiche Interface 

Install DX1 QuickBooks Integration 



Dealership Website