Listing Inventory gives DMS users the ability to push units to the various website options offered by DX1. The user can set the destinations for the unit without having to go through major unit management.
Note: This function is only for the current inventory inside DX1. New units CANNOT be added through the listing inventory tile.
From the DX1 dashboard under Marketing Communication click on the Listing Inventory Tile.
The current inventory will show. Use the search filters to find a specific unit
To do an advanced search click on the gear icon on the right hand side. Choose the appropriate country, active, inactive new, or used units.
DX1 will default to Unit Information. On the right hand side is the Active toggle switch. This toggle is only turned on when the user wants the unit to appear on the dealership website ONLY. Any additional destinations that had been set to show ( example cycletrader ) the unit will no longer appear and will be removed from inventory listing.
Pricing: With public data the MSRP and DSP will match. Users can change the Current Price drop down to set:
Retail Price
Special Price
NOTE: In either the Tagline or Long Description boxes if a word or punctuation is incorrect it will carry over to the various destinations the dealer wishes the unit to show up on.
Click the links in blue to review the Specifications and Features
Photos: Users may add photos or use stock photos if the unit includes them as part of the public data provided by the OEM Manufacturer. To add private photos click on the upload button above the stock photos.
NOTE: If the dealer chooses to upload their own photos both the stock and private images will show. If the dealer wishes to only show private photos the toggle will need to be set to “off”
Video Links: Users may add links to any current YouTube video uploaded by the dealership by clicking the Add button.
Destinations: Click the toggles to the "on" position to show on the website and as a featured unit if applicable.
Click Save in the upper right hand corner to complete the posting process.