STEP 1 - TALONes™ User Create
Go to the TALONes™ Administration module.
Select File | Advanced Security Module | Maintain Vendor User Access. The User Access Browse window opens.
Click “Add.” The Maintain Vendor User Access window opens.
Enter the vendor name in the “Name:” field. (NOTE: The Vendor Code or Vendor Name from Vendor Maintenance may be used if desired.)
Enter a user name in the “User Name:” field. This is the user name the CRM Vendor will use to access the Data Views. (NOTE: The User Name must be unique to all stores on the server.) Most dealers use TLP Connector so it can be easily identified.
Enter a password in the “Password:”
Enter the same password from step 6 in the “Confirm Password:” field.
Select special view: All of them
Select which store(s) the TLP should access. (NOTE: This displays all stores on the same server, including archived/historical stores.)
Ensure you set this user to NOT require a password reset every X number of days or the connector will periodically stop working when a password reset is required.
Select the check box next to the acknowledgement stating you understand that Personally Identifiable Information will be shared with an outside vendor
Click “Save.” (NOTE: When the window closes, the User Access is created. When the window does not close, check all tabs for incomplete fields, indicated by a warning symbol: )
The new user is displayed on the User Access Browse window, and an Audit Trail record is added when the user is saved.
Please log out of your current user account and try logging in with the new vendor user account with the login and password. If you are unable to log in, our connector will not be able to log in as well.
STEP 2 - Install TLP Connector on a machine in your dealership, usually directly on the sql server but can be any PC that runs 24x7 and that can connect to the dealerships SQL server
In the folder click on the setup.exe and probably you will see this Windows protected your PC warning
Enter the information generated in the step one of the document in the Talon Database Connection section of the DMS connector shown above.