These two reports can be found in your Accounting Report list, they are intended to give you high level one page snapshots of your business and current sales performance.  

They will help you see how you are doing wrt month to date sales and your current inventory levels.  They will also help you stay on top of key metrics in each department.  You will need to run additional reports to drill into the specific details.

It is highly recommended that you set these reports to run automatically each day or at least weekly so you can easily review them each morning in your email.  See instructions below on how to do this.

Business Summary report:

By default this report will run for the current month to date and will show you the following:

  • Sales For Period

    • This table shows you your sales for the period by sale type, it includes the following attributes:

      • Type of item that was sold

      • Item Count - Number of F&I products, Unit count, Part Qty, Labor Hours, number of Fees, number of Sublet items

      • Sales - this is the amount you charged the customer for the item

      • Profit - this is the Sale Amount minus the Cost, (Unit Cost Includes: Unit, Freight, Setup, Other, TradeIn Cost, Assembly,Mfg. Rebates and Holdback)

      • Margin - this is the Profit divided by the Sale Amount

    • Note: this table does NOT include internal sales

  • Retail Invoices for Period

    • This table shows you your sales for the period by department and includes the following attributes:

      • Department

      • Invoice Count - Number of invoices for each department, Note there will be some overlap here as F&I is sold on the same invoice as a Unit

      • Sales - this is the amount you charged the customer for the item

      • Profit - this is the Sale Amount minus the Cost

    • Note: this table does NOT include internal sales

  • Current Inventory

    • This table shows you your current Unit and Parts inventory value it includes:

      • Count - this is the number of units you currently have in stock and the number of distinct part numbers you currently have in inventory

      • Current Value - the value of units that are less than 365 days old and parts that were last received less than 365 days ago

      • Obsolete Value - the value of units that are more than 365 days old and parts that were last received more than 365 days ago

      • Total Value - this is simply the Current plus Obsolete Value 

    • It is important to note that this table always shows your CURRENT inventory regardless of the date selected

  • Major Unit Stats

    • Obsolete Units - number of units that have been in your inventory for more than 356 days, you can review these by going to your Major Unit inventory list and sorting by the Age column (just click on the “Age” column heading) 

    • New Units where Price < MSRP - Some OEs have MAP (Minimum Advertised Price) policies and do not allow you to advertise a unit with a price that is less than the MSRP.  You can run the “Active Units with Potential MAP violations” report to see a full list of units where this is the case

    • Open MU Quotes and Deals - a large number of open quotes and deals could indicate some follow up is needed 

    • Inventory Posted to Website - number of units posted on your website

    • Inventory Not Posted to Website - number of units not posted on your website, you may want to check why units are not on your website, you can run the “Listing Inventory” report (select Destination = your website and Is Active = No), to see the list.

  • PG&A Stats

    • Open Parts Orders > 14 days -  orders open for more than 14 days may need follow up, run the “Open Stocking Orders” and “Open Special Orders” (select Received = No)  reports for more details 

    • Parts with Negative QOH - Ideally you should have no parts with a Negative Qty on hand, these should be investigated ASAP as they could be the result of poor process or even fraud.  You can run the “Parts Inventory Negative Qty On Hand” report to get more details

    • Average Line Items per Invoice - This helps you see if your parts counter is upselling customers, a higher number is better and a number of 2 or more is a good goal

    • SOs Received & Not Picked up - check to see if the customer has been notified or maybe needs to be followed up with again.  You can run the “Open Special Orders” (select Received = Yes) report to see the list

  • Service Stats

    • Jobs / RO For Period - A higher number is better here as it indicates that your service department is doing multiple jobs on a unit while it is in the shop

    • Open Repair Orders - A high number of open repair orders could indicate that some follow up is needed

    • WE & ROs Open For > 30 Days - these should all be reviewed and followed up on, you may need to go thru and void WEs where you know the customer is not coming back

  • Leads for Period

    • This table shows you the number of leads you received in the selected period and their current status

Sales Performance Year over Year

By default this report will run for the current month to date and will show you the following:

  • Unit Sales for the Period Year Over Year

    • This chart gives you a graphical representation of how your overall unit sales  compare year over year for the selected period

    • If you run this report for a time period that goes into the future the “This year Projected” line will show you where you will end up at the end of the period if sales continue at the same rate

    • TIP: if you hover your mouse over the “This Year Projected” line it will show you the specific projected number for that point in time

    • Note: this chart is showing the number of units sold not the Sales price

    • Note: the x-axis shows the number of days from the start date, this may or may not match the calendar date

  • Overall Sales by Department for Period

    • This table shows you your Invoice Count and Sales & Profit by department for the selected period this year and the same period last year

    • It also shows the difference for all stats this year vs. last year

    • Note: “Inv. Count” is the invoice count not the item or unit count 

How to schedule reports

Click on the Accounting Reports Tile

You will find these reports at the top of the Accounting reports list, Click on the blue clock icon on the left for the report you wish to schedule

Click the blue (+) icon to add a new schedule

Give the schedule a Name, something like “Business Summary Daily. Select how frequently you want to receive the report Chose Schedule (Daily, Weekly, Monthly)

Select the Format of the report, PDF or Excel is recommended

Enter the email address you would like to Email the Report to, if you want to enter more than one email address put a comma between each email address (Eg. [email protected][email protected]).

By default these reports will run for the current month to date, if you are happy with this just click Save to save your schedule.  If you would like to specify a different time period, maybe; Beginning of Current Month to End of Current Month, click the Set Parameters button.