Click Lead Setting

Choose Notifications/Assignments from the menu on the left 

Click on Add Assignment Rule  on the left as shown below

Name the rule and select a form from the Form dropdown list (The dropdown list  includes all the standard and custom forms on your website that are processed as other web forms)

NOTE: If a form is already used to create an assignment rule it will not display in the dropdown list.

Assign the rule to the correct user or users 

Once all have been assigned click Save

Users may also create a notification rule that applies to other web forms (employment will be used for the example below)

Under Web Form Notification click Add as shown below 

Name the rule and select a form from the Form dropdown list (The dropdown list  includes all the standard and custom forms on your website that are processed as other web forms)

Assign the rule to the correct user or users 

Once all have been assigned click Save

Note: Custom Notification will only be sent if the 'other web forms' assignment is OFF in  Automatic Lead Assignment Settings.

If a form is already used to create an assignment rule it will not display in the dropdown list.

Any rule or notification can be changed by clicking the Edit pencil 

NOTE: If you want to change the rule name or form you will need to delete the rule and create a new rule.