Navigate to Dashboard.      


Select the Lead Setting tile from the "Customer" tile set.                           





Click Notifications/Assignments in the left hand navigation.


Enter your Default Sender email address. 



NOTE: It would be beneficial if this email address accepts replies.



Enter the Default Sender Name or label.  This is the name that will appear in the “Sender” field.                        


Toggle the Automatic Lead Response to On.   Once done click Save in the upper right hand corner. 



Select Dealership Settings from the administrative drop down menu.




Select the Email Templates Settings from the left hand navigation menu.





Dealers can choose to Search for existing templates or click the Add button 






All the fields will be filled out. You may make edits to the template. 


You may change the template label. (Example: Internet Vehicle Lead Automatic Response) This line will be automatically populated when you use the Internet Vehicle Leads options in the “Send Automatically for” drop down menu.


You may change the subject line for the email.


The body text will be populated but you may make edits.


DX1 also offers Merge Codes.  As the example below shows the dealership's phone number can be added along with its name using the drop down choices. 


If applicable set the Default Reply To Email and Default Sender's Name.  Users may also set the response as the default template for the choices in the drop down as shown. 



Click Preview to see the email. 



Click Cancel  to close.



Click Save to apply changes.