Q: where can I add a discount for the invoice I’m working with?
A: The discount can be added two places on the invoice itself using:
The Discount field
Discount Button

Q: I get an error when trying to add a discount
A: Each user can be assigned a max discount percentage, if they try to give a deeper discount than allowed the error will occur. To fix this the user will need to contact their manager/owner who has the proper discount powers to enter in their Parts Invoice PIN so the discount can be added for the invoice.

NOTE: Users can have max discount percentage set in their user profiles. Discount powers must be set by managers/owners in the admin area of DX1.
Q: How can a permanent discount be added to a customer ? ( example a customer gets 10% off all parts whenever they come to the dealership)
A: Permanent discounts can be added in the customer profile.
Click on the customer name in the upper left hand side of the invoice
Click the discounts tab
Discounts can be added to the following areas:
Part Discount
Service -Labor Discount
Service - Part Discount
Service Sublet Labor Discount

Note: Users can also apply Cost discounts plus a percentage. The option will show as Cost Plus in the dropdown so long as the user is allowed to discount 100% in their user profile.
If the discount is added before the invoice is completed it will automatically be applied to any part on the invoice.