Updating the price displayed on your DX1 website for parts fiche is accomplished by creating a price Escalator and a Pricing Rule for each brand.
- First, navigate to the Fiche Pricing tile under the Websites tile set.
- Next, select Escalators from the menu on the left, then select Add.
- Complete the fields on the screen to set up the escalator
Escalator Name: Choose a name for the escalator
Escalator Description: Choose a description for the escalator
Escalate From: Choose the price value that will be used as the base price to mark up or discount. Options include Cost, DSP, and MSRP
Effected Price: This option will be set to Web Price by default and should not be changed
Range: The highest price to which the escalator will be applied
Multiply By: The value that should be multiplied with the price.
In the example below, parts priced up to $100.00 will be discounted by 10% (.90) and parts priced up to $1,000.00 will be discounted by 15% (.85)
To mark the price up rather than discount, the entered values would be 1.10 and 1.15, respectively.
Select Save to save the new escalator. - Next, select New Pricing Rule in the left hand menu.
- Complete the fields on the screen to set up the price rule
Rule Name: Choose a name for the rule- for example, Polaris Web Price
Rule Description: Choose a description for the rule
Escalator Rule: Choose the Escalator you created in the previous step, or another if desired
Minimum Price Per Item: If you would like all parts to display a minimum price, first set this toggle to the ON position.
Minimum Price: If you would like all parts to display a minimum price, enter the value here.
Vendor: Choose the brand to which the Escalator will be applied.
In the example below, the Escalator we created will be applied to Polaris parts. No Polaris parts will ever display a price below $1.00. - Select Save to apply the changes.