Note: This should ONLY be used by dealers who ARE NOT integrating with DX1 to sync accounting entries.

Note: Only those with the proper permissions may access the required areas to setup AR customers 

Part 1: Accounting Settings requirements 

Click on the user initials in the upper right hand corner then choose Dealership Settings 


Choose Accounting Settings from the menu on the left hand side

Check the  Allow user to set AR Customer Credit Limit in DX1 (ONLY turn this On if you are NOT managing AR customers in Quickbooks) then click Save in the upper right hand corner 

Part 2: Create the AR Beginning Balance Method Of Payment 

Click on Method Of Payment from the left hand menu 

Click Add in the upper left hand corner 

Create the AR Beginning Balance MOP then click Save 

Part 3: Creating the AR customer and setting credit limits

Click the Customer Search tile 

Search for the customer with the available search boxes at the top if applicable 

Set the customer as AR using the toggle switch as shown 

Click the AR tab and set the credit limit then scroll to the top and click Save 

Part 4: Setting the beginning balances for the account 

In the customer profile click on AR Payment on the left hand side then click Add

Set beginning Balances by taking a negative AR payment for that customer using the AR beg Balance MOP (**This MOP should only be used for beg balance and never again) Then click Payment

The payment will appear as shown.  Click Complete 

The current balance now shows under the customer name when a next purchase is made 

To view the current AR customer statements, users will need to go to accounting reports tile then the AR Customer Statements report