Note: You will need to contact DX1 Support to have this feature activated. 

Phone: 877-944-6766

Email: [email protected]

Q: How will my Customers submit testimonials? 

A: Testimonials can be submitted by completing the Customer Survey form on your website.

Q: How do I access submitted testimonials?

A: Submitted testimonials can be found by selecting the Survey and Testimonials tile in the Websites section of the Dashboard 

  1. When accessing the Survey and Testimonials screen, you’ll first be presented with a list of recent testimonials that are in ‘Pending’ status. These are testimonials that you have not yet Approved or Declined for display on your website; the most recent submissions will appear at the top of the list by default.

  2. Click a testimonial to review it in detail

  3. You can approve a testimonial for display on your website by selecting ‘Approved’ in the Status field and selecting Save

  4. Alternately, selecting ‘Declined’ will archive the testimonial without posting it to your website.

Q: Where will approved testimonials appear?

A: Approved testimonials will appear on the Testimonials page of your website; they will be sorted by most recent approval, with the most recently approved submissions appearing at the top.

Q: Can I automatically post testimonials to my site?

A: If you wish to automatically approve all testimonials as they are submitted, toggle the Auto Approve toggle on the Testimonials page to On and select Yes in the warning dialog. All testimonials submitted after this action will be automatically approved and displayed on your website.

Q: How I find old testimonials that I’ve marked as ‘Approved’ or ‘Declined?’

A: You can find previously approved or declined testimonials by changing the Status dropdown on the testimonials screen to either ‘Approved,’ ‘Declined,’ or ‘All’ and clicking Search. You may also change the default date selections to filter by submission date.