Escalators and Rounders are the base components for pricing updates and rules and must be created before any pricing updates or rules can be setup and run.

- Escalators allow the automatic markup on a parts price based on the MSRP or Cost (example: part MSRP is 10.00 and you want the DSP escalated by 10% to $11.00)

- Rounders allow the rounding of a parts price (example: part is $25.85 but will round up to $25.99).

Below we will cover how to:

- Create an Escalator

- Create a Rounder 

Creating an Escalator

1) From the DX1 Dashboard click the green Inventory Management tile 

2) From the menu on the left hand side scroll down to Pricing then click on New Escalator

3) Once on the Escalator Rules Details page, start by entering a Name and Description for your escalator, try to describe the escalator so that when selecting it from the pricing rules in the future it is clear what it does

4) Select if you want to Escalate From the MSRP or Cost sent in the price file

5) Select if you want to update the DSP or the Special Price (Effected Price)

6) Click the (+) to add a price Range to escalate and fill in the appropriate Multiply By value, eg. 1.15 for 15%

7) If needed you can click (+) again to set up multiple ranges and multiplication factors

8) Once everything is entered click Save

To see a list of all set up Escalators, in the left menu click Escalators.

You can click on any existing Escalator to review the details and if needed update it


Creating a Rounder

1) From the DX1 Dashboard click the green Inventory Management tile 

2) From the menu on the left hand side scroll down to Pricing then click on New Rounder

3) Once on the Rounder Rule Details page, start by entering a Name and Description for your rounder, try to describe the rounder so that when selecting it from the pricing rules in the future it is clear what it does

4) Click the (+) to add a Amount Ending In to specify the range to round Eg. to do all from .00 to .98 enter "0.98" 

5) Fill in the Will Be Rounded To value, eg. 0.99 if you want the prices to all end in .99

7) If needed you can click (+) again to set up additional ranges Rounded To values, you may want to use this if you want prices ending in < .50 to be rounded to .49 and prices ending in > .50 to be rounded to .99 

8) Once everything is entered click Save

To see a list of all set up Rounders, in the left menu click Rounders.

You can click on any existing Rounder to review the details and if needed update it

Now you have set up your needed Escalators and Rounders you can create and run onetime Price Updates and or set up Dealership Default or Catalog Level Pricing Rules that will automatically run whenever Pricing files are updated, see the Part Pricing Updates and Rules Help doc for more details