Q: Where can OEM promotions loaded into DX1 be viewed?

A:  OEM Promotions are located under the Websites section of the DX1 Dashboard

Note: Only those employees with the proper permissions can see and access this tile. 

Q:  What search options are available?

A:  Dealers can search the following:

  1. Status: Pending Approved, or Declined promotions

  2. Filter by Manufacturer 

  3. Type: Two options:

  1. Spotlight: These are specific promotions that are added to any new Slideshow for Can-Am BRP, or polaris dealers.  They are also added to the OEM promotions page automatically.

  1. Standard:  These promotions will also be added to the OEM promotions page on a dealer website.  They will not be added to new slideshows automatically that are added by the dealer, those only apply to spotlight promotions for the manufacturers mentioned above. 

Q: Can All promotions be approved as they are added to DX1?

A: Yes, the Auto Approve toggle can be activated.  Dealers will still have the option to decline any auto approved promotion as well. 

Note: If the dealer has been manually approving promotions and chooses to auto approve once toggled on the auto approve will only affect new promotions as they are added by DX1.

Q: How are promotions manually approved?

A: under the Status section double click on the Pending promotion.  A dropdown will allow the user to approve or decline 

Q: Can promotions be reviewed before they are approved?

A: Yes, double click on the promotion itself, a new screen will show the details for the promotion including:

Eligible Models 

End Date

Scroll down to see the image of the promotion and the terms and conditions. 

Q: Once approved how quickly will the promotion go over to my website?

A: Immediately: Most dealer websites have an OEM promotions area on the website as shown:

Q: How often are the OEM Promotions added to DX1?

A: Promotions are added as quickly as they are received from the Manufacturers. Time frames can vary  based on when they are received and how many need to be loaded. 

Note: If the 1st of a month falls on a weekend the OEM promotions will not be loaded until that next business day with a target turnaround time of 24 to 72 hours. 

Q: Do OEM Promotions integrate with the Social Marketing tile? ( Facebook) 

A: Yes.  Set the toggles to the “on” position under the Syndication section inside the social marketing tile.