This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to activate deposits and full purchase for major units on your DX1 website.
Guided Tour
Step by Step
Start on the inventory detail screen for your major unit.
1. Click on Destinations

2.( For full purchase, skip to step 7) Select 'Deposit' in the Online Purchase & Deposits area.

3. Enter the amount you'd like to collect as a deposit.

4. Click on Save to save your changes.

5. To verify deposit has been activated, click on 'View on Website'

6. Your deposit amount will appear with a 'Reserve Now' heading and an 'Add to Cart' button.

7. To allow full payment for the unit , select 'Full Purchase' in the Online Purchase & Deposits area.

8. The price, fees, parts, service, etc amoutns that will be shown and charged to the customer will be displayed on the screen. Review carefully to be sure your web visitors will see the correct price!

9. Click on Save to save your changes.

10. To verify full purchase has been activated, click on 'View on Website'

11. The complete unit price and charges will be displayed, along with a 'Buy it Now' heading and an 'Add to Cart' button.