As the DX1 platform will migrate from the App based program to the Browser based program, setting up PartSmart for the browser will require new steps. As a precurser, your dealership will have to be signed up with PartSmart for access to their Microfiche. This will also require that you have installed the DX1 Microfiche Server if not find the link below to install it!
In this document, we will cover the following topics
1) How to set the DX1 Microfiche Sever POS Link
2) How to set up PartSmart settings
1) How to set the DX1 Microfiche Sever POS Link
a) Click on the DX1 MicroficheServer
b) Click on the Options tab and click on Set Fiche Finder
c) Select the ARI Partsmart box
d) A window will appear double-click on the ARIShim.exe.config
e) Click on the OK button and click OK on the Application restart may be required
f) Click on the File tab and click on Exit
g) Click on the DX1 MicroficheServer to reopen it
2) How to set up PartSmart settings
a) Open PartSmart 8 App from your Computers Desktop
b) In PartSmart, Click the Utilities tab, then the PartSmart Options tab, then click the ellipses in the Buisness System area.
c) Click on the Windows (C:), then double-click Program Files (x86)
d) Double-click on DX1 Dominion Enterprises
e) Double-click on DX1 Microfiche Server
f) Double-click on ARIShim
g) The path will be in the Business System area, then click Apply in PartSmart.
f) Click on the MicroFiche button. There is a pop-up window and click on ARI Parts Smart - Desktop. Now the integration between DX1 and PartSmart has been set up. The user can use the PartSmart desktop app to create picklists to export to DX1.
That's it you are good to go!!!
DX1 and PS8 Integration Features Link
If you need further assistance reach out to our support team in any of the numbers of ways listed below. Good Luck!