This feature allows you to transfer major units between dealerships (locations)
Note: This feature is ONLY available for dealerships with multiple locations at this time.
Note: The transfer feature cannot be used for private models.
Note: Additional information/photos added to the unit by the dealership WILL NOT transfer over with the unit.
It will create all the necessary accounting transactions for the transfer out from the source location as well as all the necessary accounting transactions for the transfer in to the destination location.
Note: For steps 1 and 2 AR customer and Vendor will need to be synced to Quick Books, If this is not done the entries will appear as pinks when reconciliation is done.
1. In order for a unit to be transferred out, an AR customer needs to be set up for the destination location, this is so DX1 can create the necessary AR accounting entries for any additional charges for the unit. If this AR customer does not already exist, DX1 will create it, it will show “(Dealership)” at the end of the name.
2. In order for a unit to be transferred in, a Vendor needs to be set up for the source location, this is so DX1 can create the necessary AP accounting entries for any additional charges for the unit. If this Vendor does not already exist, DX1 will create it, it will show “(Dealership)” at the end of the name
3. It is assumed that units being transferred are financed units (transferring a unit out will reverse the original AP entry for the source location and re create it for the destination location).
4. Invoices for any work and or parts / accessories associated with the unit at the source location will need to be closed out and the associated cost will be passed to the destination location. An AR accounting entry will be created for this amount.
5. When a unit is transferred the original Invoice#, PO# and Stock# will be sent with the unit to the destination.
6. The unit cost at the destination will reflect the total of the Original unit cost plus any additional costs for work, items or transferring associated with the unit.
7. When a unit with added costs is transferred, there will be two AP transactions created, one for the original unit cost to the financing vendor and a second for the additional costs to the source location.
8. The accounting reference number for all accounting transactions will be the original purchase invoice number for the unit.
9. When a unit is transferred the invoice date will be the current date
Below is an example of the accounting entries from a dealership transferring a unit out:
Example of entries for a unit after being received in from a dealer transfer
The total cost for the unit now shows as one amount inside inventory.