Clover Flex terminals integrate seamlessly with DX1 and allow dealers to take credit card payments and issue refunds.  The terminals are wireless, touch screen, include a receipt printer and support all the latest technology to ensure secure credit card processing.

In this document we will cover:

  1. Clover Flex Terminal set up

  2. Register the Clover Flex Terminal 

  3. Connecting DX1 to Your Clover Merchant Account

  4. Setting Clover Receipt Count

  5. Setting the default Clover terminal for each computer

  6. Configuring your Clover MOP in DX1

Clover Flex Terminal set up

  1. If you have not already done so unpack each of your clover terminals

  2. Make note of the “HSN” for each terminal as this is how you will identify each terminal in DX1.  The HSN is printed on the packing box and can also be found in the Admin Panel of the Clover terminal once powered on.

  3. Position each terminal where it will be used and connect the power

  4. Press and hold the power button until the Clover logo displays on the screen.  The Clover Flex powers on and displays the Welcome screen.

  5. Select a language and press Set Language.

  6. To connect to your Wi-Fi Network tap Configure next to the Wi-Fi option, and select your network.

Note: PCI compliance standards require the device to connect to a secure, password protected network.

  1. The device briefly displays "Successfully Connected to Server" once the network configuration is complete. The device then begins to update the Bolt App and other required components.

  2. Once complete, the Bolt App launches and displays the Terminal Registration screen. 

Register the Clover Flex Terminal 

Once the Clover Flex setup process is complete, you must register the device with Bolt to get started.

The first time the Bolt app launches, it displays the Terminal Registration screen and prompts you to enter the registration code that you received to register the terminal. Before you begin, ensure that you have your order confirmation email and registration code handy.

Do the following to register the device:

  1. On the Terminal Registration screen, tap the empty field to open the keyboard.

  2. Enter the 8-digit Order ID provided in your welcome email, then tap Continue.
    The Bolt app authenticates and registers the Clover Flex with the Bolt service.

  3. On the Registration Complete screen, tap Continue to complete the device registration.

  4. The Bolt app displays the Welcome screen.

  5. Verify that the Status shows “Bolted” this means that the terminal has successfully connected to the Clover servers and is ready to use 

Note: your terminal must be connected to Wi-Fi

Note: If you encounter an error, tap the "Terminal registration failed" banner at the top of the display for troubleshooting information. Record the error codes in the event that you need to contact CardPointe Support (877-726-7017x opt 1 or [email protected] or after hours CardPointe Support can be reached at 877-828-0720, be sure to have your MID (Merchant ID) available when you call)

Note: If you have more terminals to set up please set them all up before you continue to the next step.

Connecting DX1 to Your Clover Merchant Account

  1. Log into DX1 and navigate to Dealership Settings

  2. On the left side select “Clover Setup”

  3. Turn “Clover Processing” On

  4. Enter your:

    1. Clover Merchant ID 

    2. Clover User Name

    3. Clover Password

  5. Click Save

  6. DX1 will validate your entered credentials before saving them

Setting Clover Receipt Count

By default one Clover receipt will be printed per transaction (Payment, Void, Refund) 

  1. Log into DX1 and navigate to Dealership Settings

  2. On the left side select “Clover Setup”

  3. Under the field "Receipt Count" select the number of receipts you would like to print each time a Clover Payment, Void or Refund is processed, options are:

    1. 0 - Prints no receipts if you want to save paper

    2. 1 - Prints one receipt for each transaction (default)

    3. 2 - Prints two receipts for each transaction 

  4. Click Save

Setting the default Clover terminal for each computer 

This is how you associate a specific terminal with a computer.

  1. Log into DX1 and click on your initials in the upper right

  2. From the menu select "Local Settings"

  3. This will bring up the Local Settings window, at the bottom you will see "Clover Terminal"

  4. Click the “Refresh Terminal” button, this will prompt DX1 to connect to the Clover server to get a list of all of your Clover terminals that are currently set up and connected.

  5. Click the “Default Terminal for this PC” down arrow to select the terminal you would like to associate with the PC you are currently using.  If you do not see the terminal make sure the terminal is powered on and connected to your Wi-Fi network then press  the “Refresh Terminal” button again.

  6. It is a good idea to do a DX1 Application Reset after setting the default terminal for a computer for the first time.  This can be done by clicking your initials in the upper right and then selecting Application Reset.

  7. Repeat the above steps for each computer you plan to process credit card transactions from.

Configuring your Clover MOP in DX1

  1. Select “Method of Payment” from the left menu

  2. A Clover MOP is already created, all you need to do is locate and open it and set the GL Account

  3. Once done click Save

That’s it!  You are now ready to start processing credit cards with your new Clover terminals