Note: When working with ANY Invoice, each user will need to click save button at least every 20 minutes.  If a user walks away from the open Invoice without saving within that 20 minute time frame changes to the Invoice will be lost!

Watch the video or follow the steps below: 

From the DX1 dashboard click the Sales tile and open the Major Unit Quote or Deal being worked on. 

Scroll down or click on F&I from the menu on the left and once you have navigated to the F&I section, click the search icon.

If you do not see a product listed for the unit you can click the + Add button.

If you did click the + Add button the first tab, Information, will require you to set all the details about the F&I product.

Note:  It is recommended that the from CC box remain at 0.  This will allow for the widest range of CC’s associated with the product to be an option when adding to an mu deal.  If a user wants to set a different value it needs to be the exact beginning CC’s based on the unit information.  If the beginning CC number does not match what is set for the unit the product will not be shown as choice.

The second tab will be the Accounting details, here you will need to select the Vendor as well as the Income and COG GL Account. If you are not an accountant ask someone who is when setting this up.

The third tab, Details, will allow you to add terms and pricing for a product. An example would be a warranty that has 12, 24, 36, and 48 month terms. Each one has a different cost and term that could be entered so after adding a product to a deal the terms can be quickly adjusted if needed.

The fourth and last tab is where you can decide which Model Type the product will show for. If this a product for a Street Motorcycle then I would look through the list and choose the Model Types you consider Street. If I want the product to show for all Body Types I can check the select all check box.

The product will now show in the F&I box. Click on the newly created product then + Add Selected.

Once the product is added to the deal you will see the details in the F&I section. Remember when you set up terms earlier, now you can click the Term drop down and change the term and price with ease.

You can look at the Total Amount Due hyperlink to see the Major Unit Profit with the F&I included.

If you need to add an F&I salesperson to that you can see a commission user the drop down on the Invoice details page. Once that is done go to the Commissions section of the deal under the triple dot menu option. Here you can view, add, delete or edit the commission details.


For additional support or questions regarding functionality, you can contact our customer support team in a number of ways shown below. Again it is mandatory for dealers to get with their accounting and business departments to understand the rules and regulations for your local, state, and federal laws.