The Part inventory detail screen can be accessed in three ways:

  1. When a part is searched for inside Inventory Management and the part is clicked on

2. Through the Part Information tab then the Edit Pencil in a Parts Invoice

3. Clicking on the Edit Pencil under the Parts section of a Repair Order 

4. The breakdown of the detail page is broken into two parts for this document. The top half of the page is shown below:

This is a public part number where DX1 is supplying the data for this Kawasaki part number as shown by the red-edged fields.

Definitions for the four highlighted check boxes:

Special Order: All parts loaded in DX1 have the option to be Special Ordered.  If you only want a part to be sold when inventory uncheck the box.

Retire On Depletion: Once the part count gets to zero the part will no longer be able to be sold 

Discontinued: Because the example part is a public part number this box will only be checked if and when DX1 is sent an update from Kawasaki that the part has been discontinued. 

Tax Exempt: Only check this box if the part is to be sold as tax exempt all the time. 

Each part number will have three BIN location boxes that the dealer can change or add BIN information if applicable.

Note: The BIN information entered will also show with the part number when added to: 

Parts or Service invoices 

When Receiving in parts

5. The bottom half of the Inventory Detail Screen:


QTY On Hand: The Physical number of parts in the current inventory 

QTY Available: how many of that part is available to be sold ( in this example 7 are available in stock but only 6 are available because one of the parts is on an open invoice where the sale has yet to be cashed out. ) 

Auto Reorder: 

Often a dealer will have a part number they sell a lot of. The auto reorder allows the dealer to set a threshold so that when the part gets to a certain inventory level ( for this part number it’s 1) then more of that part will be put into the ordering area so the dealer does not need to worry if they remembered to put that part number into the ordering area.

There are two types of Auto Reorder per part number in DX1:

Min/Max: this is the standard values for the part number.  The Min/Max will trigger with the entered values until the dealer changes them or unchecks the box.

Seasonal Min/Max: Dealers can set a date range per season (summer, winter, fall etc….) that will override the normal MIn/Max settings in the event more is sold in the winter versus summer.

Note: If all seasons have not been set by a date range when the last season range is complete DX1 will default back to the standard Min/Max values until a new season date range is set again if applicable.