To help you to create, manage, and sell Kits efficiently. This help document will guide you through the key functionalities.

What is a Kit? DX1’s Custom Kits is a way you can take multiple parts and group them under a single Kit number.

Kits allows you to do the following:

  • Customize - Define Kit #, Description, Bins, Parts, Price and Notes

  • Kit Price - Is the sum of all the parts included in the Kit

  • Labels - Print Price and BarCode labels for easy look-up and selling

  • Selling flexibility - Allows you to sell, special order or layaway any part in the kit

  • Copy Invoice to a Kit - Allows you to build a new Kit from the parts on any invoice

In this document, we will cover the following topics.

  1. User Roles and Permissions

  2. Where to Create a Kit 

  3. How to Create a Kit

  4. The Kit Details explained

  5. The Kit List page explained

  6. How to add a Kit to an Invoice

  7. Additional Details on Invoices

  8. Reporting

  9. That's it and Support

  1. User Roles and Permissions

    1. Ensure you have the necessary permissions to add, edit, or deactivate kits.

    2. Click on your initials in the top right. (orange button)

    3. From the dropdown options Click on My Account.

    4. Under Primary Roles, the checklist under Parts confirms if the box is checked for Inventory/Kit List & New/Edits Parts/Kits.

      1.  If they are checked you are ready to go with custom Kits! 

      2. If not speak with your manager to see if they will set you up!

  1. Where to Create a Kit 

    1. From the dashboard, click on the Inventory Management tile in the Parts and Accessories section.

    2. Navigate to the Kit List tab in the Inventory Section, then click the +Add button or click the New Kit tab below. (see image below)

    3. On invoicing pages click the Search Kit Icon, the Select Parts Inventory/Kit List pop-up will open, then click the +Add Kit button.

  1. How to create a Kit

    1. Now that you know where to start a New Kit, we will run through the process of creating a New Kit.

    2. These are required to save Kit.

      1. Kit # - This is what you will define as the value of searching for this Kit.

      2. Kit Description - This is what you will define as what describes your Kit.

      3. Parts - This is where you will enter all the items you would like on your Kit.

        1. Special Note - If you change the price of a part in a Kit. The price of that part is locked and will not change when the price updates in any way.

    3. Once you have entered a Kit #, Kit Description and added at least 1 Part, click the Save button and this will create your Kit. Notice a couple of things on this page will be updated and this will be explained in the next section.

  1. The Kit Details explained

    1. Kit Cost - This is the sum of all the item's Current Cost for this Kit.

    2. Kit Price - This is the sum of all the item's Current Price for this Kit. 

    3. Kit Margin - This is the difference between Kit Price & Kit Cost for this Kit. 

    4. Kit Margin % - This is the percent related to Kit Price & Kit Cost for this Kit. 

    5. Setup Date - This is the date the Kit was created.

    6. Complete Kits - This is the number of Complete Kits you have based on your current Parts Availability.

      1. Example: A Kit with 3 parts    

        1. Part 1 has a Qty Available of 3 and QTY Req is 1

        2. Part 2 has a Qty Available of 2 and QTY Req is 1

        3. Part 3 has a Qty Available of 1 and QTY Req is 1

          1. Complete Kits would be 1

    7. Label Button - This creates a printable label for your Kit, just like a parts label.

    8. Bins - This is a physical location or value to track a Kit.

    9. Memo - This is where you can add additional information about your Kit.

    10. Active - This allows you to set Kits inactive to hide them from your search.

    11. Sales History - This is a table that will show you previous and current year sales of this Kit by Month.

  1. The Kit List Page explained

    1. Kit Sales Report - This will open a report in a new tab and will show the Kits that have been sold in the current month.

    2. + Add - This will open up the screen to create a new Kit.

    3. Search By - Allows you to search by All Fields or a specific field.

    4. Complete Kits toggle

      1.  When Off - Shows all Active Kits.

      2. When On - Shows Kits that have all parts with the quantity available to sell the Kit now.

    5. X Button - Resets search criteria back to the default.

    6. Gear button - Allows you to search for Kits set to Active, Inactive or Both.

  1. How to add a Kit to an Invoice

    1. By clicking the Search Kits icon, the Kit List pop-up will appear and you can click on the kit you would like to add.

    2. You can enter/scan the Kit # in the grid and it will automatically add all items from the kit to the invoice.

    3. Notice once a Kit has been added you will see a suffix added to the items from the Kit you entered.

  1. Additional Details on Invoices

    1. For your printed invoices by default, we will display the Kit #, Description & Bins where your Part # would display normally. 

    2. An Additional Detail section at the bottom of the invoice will show the items from your Kit. 

      1. You can turn this off on the fly from the Select Receipt Type window for Parts and Service or it can be turned off for all invoices in Dealership Settings.

  1. Reporting

    1. A Kit Sales Report is available from the Kit List Page or in the Parts & Accessories Reports section.

  1. That’s it and Support

    1. That's it you are good to go!

    2. If you need further assistance reach out to our support team in any of the numbers of ways listed below. Good Luck!

    3. [email protected]