Note: The steps shown here will be for both stock and special order parts in the receiving screen only. 

Dealers can get to the receiving area two ways :

Clicking on the Receiving tile

Clicking on Menu in the upper left hand corner then choosing receiving from the dropdown 

Three ways to search for parts that need to be received: Note: For this example the drop down will be used to receive parts from a created PO 


PO #

Part #

Choose the Vendor for the parts that need to be received from the drop down. 

Once the vendor is selected all parts for the PO will show.  

Going from left to right see below for the definitions below: 

Edit Pencil: shows the detail of the part inside current inventory

Supersede: the part number can be manually superseded if applicable before being received

Note: The Supersede icon is normally only used for dealers who have a catalog where DX1 is not updating the part information automatically. 

Status: the boxes will change color as they are received, cancelled, or back ordered

State: star is for special order parts, word doc symbol is for stock parts 

Click the Recv box for each part number

The box will turn green once the received amount matches the ordered amount 

Click on the arrow next to the Add button for  additional receiving options:

Receive All: The Recv field will auto fill matching the amount that was ordered. ( example: 1 part ordered 1 part will show as received) 

Use Scanner: A USB capable scanner must be set up on the PC used for this option.

Note: When using a scanner click on the link below for how to receive in back ordered parts

Receiving Back Ordered Special Order Parts 

Receive without a PO: any additional parts that need to be added to inventory that were not on the original purchase Order.

 Click Receive PO

Users may now add BIN location information to update or add BIN information during the receiving process.

Choose which BIN needs to be updated by clicking in the correct location.  Once the applicable fields have been updated continue with the receiving process as normal. 

An Invoice number is required.  DX1 defaults labels to be printed automatically once the save button is clicked on.  Un-check the box in the upper right hand corner to not print labels at the time of receiving.

After clicking save the print out now shows any applicable BIN information associated with the parts being received. 

The BIN information changes are now also reflected in the parts inventory item detail screen