The following chart shows some keyboard shortcuts within DX1. These will help you move within DX1 quicker.


**IMPORTANT** We are currently working with the shortcuts. Some customers may experience some issues while using Safari. You may need to enter the shortcut twice in order for it to work within Safari. This will be corrected shortly.

Part Receiving
Parts Invoice
Time Clock
Major Unit Receiving without PO
Major Unit Receiving with PO
Major Unit Inventory
                        Common Shortcut                    
Shortcut PC Keys Mac Keys Action
New Ctrl + Shift + N Command + Shift + N Display "Add new" screen
Save Ctrl + Shift + S Command + Shift + S Save a current page
Print Ctrl + Shift + P Command + Shift + P Print a report, invoice, or label
Cancel Esc Esc Quit, Exit, Cancel a current page or dialog
Delete Delete Delete Delete a record from grid
Dashboard Ctrl + Shift + D Command + Shift + D Open the Dashboard (Dashboard) screen
Help Ctrl + Shift + F1 Command + Shift + F1 Display Help
Send Mail Ctrl + Shift + E Command + Shift + E Use for "Send email" function
Upload Photos Ctrl + Shift + U Command + Shift + U Upload Photos
Search for Sold Units                                             Sold:

Advanced search of sold units
Search for In-Stock Units                                             In Stock:
                                            In Stock:
Advanced search for in-stock units only
Search for On Hold Units                                             On Hold: 
                                            On Hold:
Advanced search for on hold units only
Search for New Units                                             New:
Advanced search for new units only
Search for Used Units                                             Used:
Advanced search for used units only
Search for Unit or Customer via VIN                                             VIN:
Advanced search for a unit or customer by VIN
Save and Next Shift + S Shift + S Save and proceed to next
Save and New Shift + S Shift + S Save and proceed to next 
Clock In/Clock Out F8 F8 (you may need to press fn+F8) Provides quick access from within DX1 to the time clock function
Discount Ctrl + A Command + A Open "Discount Override Authorization" popup
                        Miscellaneous Part                     Ctrl + M Command + M Open "Miscellaneous Part" popup
Receiving without PO Ctrl + Shift + R Command + Shift + R Open "receiving without PO" window
Use Scanner Ctrl + Shift + B Command + Shift + B Opens the scanner window